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Miami Car
With high volume traffic areas and dense population, the chances of being in a vehicle crash in Miami-Dade County are high. Keep these tips in mind should you be in an accident.
Driving Florida
Some of these are easy enough to implement anywhere, including your cubicle at work. By including relaxation throughout your day, you could significantly reduce stress levels in your body, and improve mental health.
Road Rage
Though the month of April has been designated as Stress Awareness Month, if you’re a driver in Florida, stressful commutes are a year-round ordeal. Stress is not only bad for your physical health, but it causes road rage. Learn how to reduce road ...
A close-up of a pile of cardboard boxes stamped with "Product Recalled" and "Defective Product."
What you need to know about consumer protection & product recalls.
Report by the Governors Highway Association reveals 2018 he worst in almost three decades for pedestrian deaths.
Couple Pregnant
January is National Birth Defects Prevention Month. As a way to increase the chances of a healthy delivery, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends a proactive approach to self-care during pregnancy—and before!