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Changing a Flat Tire
I-95 in Pompano Beach was the scene of a deadly accident over the weekend. Three men died and two more are critically injured from a car accident in Palm Beach County. The group of Broward roofing company workers were on their way to a job when th...
Teen Drivers
Florida teen drivers just embarked on the 100 deadliest days of driving (summer break)...starting with Memorial Day weekend. While car accidents involving young drivers typically increases this time of year, the odds are going even higher now that...
South Florida is paradise this time of year, but very shortly, thousands of drivers will hit the road and head north for the holidays. It’s great to see friends and family for Christmas, but getting there can be far more dangerous than it seems. I...
Dumb Drivers
Florida drivers currently have no legal requirement to leave their cell phones off while driving, but that may soon change. This week the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) recommended all states ban cell phone use behind the wheel, becom...
Holiday Danger
Floridians survived another year of frantic Black Friday shopping but at what cost? Over the Thanksgiving holiday a 36-year-old Florida Target store employee drove her car into a 20-foot deep canal after working the night shift on Black Friday. Po...
Road Trip
South Florida drivers will be hitting the highway in the coming weeks. July and August are some of the busiest months for vacation road trips. Whether you’re trying to escape the South Florida heat (good luck!) or you’re off to explore, safety is ...