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Uber Maps
Uber and Lyft are growing increasingly popular due to the ease of arranging transportation from your phone. While Uber and Lyft drivers go through a background check, it is important to be safe when entrusting your life to a stranger.
When you think of airbags, you think of safety, security, and protection. Now a 'days, advanced frontal airbags use sophisticated sensing devices to provide the right level of protection to drivers and front seat passengers in the event of a crash...
The lawsuit brought against Porsche by Roger W. Rodas' widow has of course captured a great deal of attention because it involves the death of a celebrity and an ultra-rare, ultra-exotic sports car. But the law involved in automobile defect claims...
Driving Drowsy
Drowsy driving causes more than 100,000 crashes a year, resulting in 40,000 injuries and 1,550 deaths. (NHTAS). Despite these high numbers drowsy driving remains underreported and estimates are conservative.
Uber Map
Much like baking a cake, any successful lawsuit has necessary ingredients. One of the necessary ingredients is found if the family can answer "yes" to the following question: Is Uber responsible for the negligent actions of its user drivers? Uber,...
Top Highway Safety Threats
Our society suffers from the many car accidents that occur every year. In an effort to protect its citizens, the government has begun to speed up research on technologies that would prevent many of these accidents. Joan Lowy, of the Associated Pre...