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Traffic Lights
Broward County has taken a step toward safety for nighttime drivers at one local intersection. The county has made traffic light changes to the intersection where a teenager was killed in car crash three months ago by no longer allowing them to bl...
South Florida is paradise this time of year, but very shortly, thousands of drivers will hit the road and head north for the holidays. It’s great to see friends and family for Christmas, but getting there can be far more dangerous than it seems. I...
Dumb Drivers
Florida drivers currently have no legal requirement to leave their cell phones off while driving, but that may soon change. This week the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) recommended all states ban cell phone use behind the wheel, becom...
Holiday Danger
Floridians survived another year of frantic Black Friday shopping but at what cost? Over the Thanksgiving holiday a 36-year-old Florida Target store employee drove her car into a 20-foot deep canal after working the night shift on Black Friday. Po...
Road signs
If this isn’t reason to have the proper auto insurance, I don’t know what is. A recent report by Carle Insurance Comparison ranks Florida drivers the worst behind only Louisiana, Missouri and Texas. The data were compiled from three sources: The N...
Road Trip
South Florida drivers will be hitting the highway in the coming weeks. July and August are some of the busiest months for vacation road trips. Whether you’re trying to escape the South Florida heat (good luck!) or you’re off to explore, safety is ...