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Summer Safety
As we come into summer and plan activities, please stay safe.  Below are the top safety tips for popular summer activities:   Swimming  Teach them to swim: Swimming lessons are the best way to keep kids safe around the water. Basic swimming sk...
Helmet Boy
With children at home full-time due to school closures, parents and guardians now have to be fully attentive to the safety of their children. When taking children for walks or bike rides, parents know that there are precautions one could take to p...
Ride safely! You could never take too many precautions when heading out on a bicycle ride. Follow these five riding safety tips for kids and parents.
New study reveals the everyday household items leading to brain injury in children and teens
Heat Summer
Enjoy the weather and remember—the best times are had when precaution is taken!
Summer Safety
Prevention is key to good times! Here are our top tips to have a fun, safe summer whether it's at the pool, beach, working out or working outdoors.